Of all the bridges in Minneapolis, heck of all the bridges in Minnesota, the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis in my opinion is the most beautoful of them all.
The Stone Arch Bridge connects St. Anthony Falls to downtown Minneapolis over the Mississippi River. The Stone Arch Bridge is a pedestrian-only bridge, making it safe for bikers, joggers, and lovers alike. The bridge was built as a railway, carrying trains to and from the Minneapolis Great Northern Depot. The railway ceased used in 1978, and has since been restored to its magnificant self in 2005, with its lastest addition being lighting. The bridge offers a fantastic view of Minneapolis, and it is the most up-close-and-personal view I think you can get! You will see the Guthrie Theater in the foreground to the left, the Gold Medal Flour building also in the foreground, all giving way to the prominent skyscrapers.
The bridge itself is a thing of beauty. I was super excited when the bridge was our focal point in my engagement photos. My brother took the photos, and he is a native of Minneapolis, and the Stone Arch Bridge was once his jogging route. We were so pleased at how they turned out, and we wouldn't have done them any other way. This goes to show the versatility of this bridge. If you don't believe me, check it out yourself!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Foshay Tower - Minneapolis
If anyone out there is an avid reader of my blog, they would know that I love seeing city's from the top, and to see my home city from above was very exciting for me. The Foshay Tower is the only building in Minneapolis with an observation deck. The Foshay Tower is the shortest skyscraper in Minneapolis, so it would offer a unique vantage point, looking up at all the buildings, unlike in most other cities. With that being said, the Foshay Tower was once the tallest skyscraper in Minneapolis!! I didn't believe it the first time I heard it, either!
When we got to the top of the Tower, I noticed it was really windy. Funny, I hadn't noted the wind on the streets...! The Foshay Tower is one of the few open-air observation deck left in the US of A, so we were sure to see for miles, fingerprint-free! Like many other observation decks that I've been in, the Foshay Tower had descrpitive plaques, telling me what I was looking at and in what direction I was looking in.
Looking north, you can see the Wells Fargo Building to the left. The top of the Wells Fargo Building lights up at night and puts an exclamation point on downtown Minneapolis. Other buildings to note looking north are the Capella Tower, and the IDS Building. To the east, you will be able to see downtown St. Paul, the twin city to Minneapolis, also buildings like the Campbell Mithun Tower, the Accenture Tower, and if you look close enough, you can see a portion of the Metrodome peeking around some buildings. To the south, I-35W dominates your view. My all-time favorite building is off to the southwest, the AT&T Tower. You can also see the Minneapolis Convention Center, and a few tall apartment buildings. To the west, you will see a vague sight of Minneapolis, but if you look through some buildings, you can see the top of the Target Center, and Target Field!
I was very satisfied after being to the top of my home city! It offered great views, and there was even a floor inside that had a video timeline of the Foshay's conception, to where it is now! All in all, a great experience!!
When we got to the top of the Tower, I noticed it was really windy. Funny, I hadn't noted the wind on the streets...! The Foshay Tower is one of the few open-air observation deck left in the US of A, so we were sure to see for miles, fingerprint-free! Like many other observation decks that I've been in, the Foshay Tower had descrpitive plaques, telling me what I was looking at and in what direction I was looking in.
Looking north, you can see the Wells Fargo Building to the left. The top of the Wells Fargo Building lights up at night and puts an exclamation point on downtown Minneapolis. Other buildings to note looking north are the Capella Tower, and the IDS Building. To the east, you will be able to see downtown St. Paul, the twin city to Minneapolis, also buildings like the Campbell Mithun Tower, the Accenture Tower, and if you look close enough, you can see a portion of the Metrodome peeking around some buildings. To the south, I-35W dominates your view. My all-time favorite building is off to the southwest, the AT&T Tower. You can also see the Minneapolis Convention Center, and a few tall apartment buildings. To the west, you will see a vague sight of Minneapolis, but if you look through some buildings, you can see the top of the Target Center, and Target Field!
I was very satisfied after being to the top of my home city! It offered great views, and there was even a floor inside that had a video timeline of the Foshay's conception, to where it is now! All in all, a great experience!!
Lake Calhoun/Surrounding Lakes - Minneapolis

Minneapolis has over 15 lakes and wetlands, and that's just in the city! One can take an hour for lunch, find an area of water, and eat comfortably. No other major city can offer that. Minneapolis is a city of nature, and that further justifies why I continue to live here, despite the cold, which brings me to my next point.
Winter is also a great time to go to the lake. Many people in the upper midwest ice fish. As Minnesota is named the Land Of 10,000 Lakes for a good reason, one doesn't have to look very far for year-round activities. Ice fishing takes patience, but it's a great sport. You can bond with your buddy over beers and great stories while wasting away the day without a care in the world. People actually take off work and school for the openers! It's a way of life up here!
If anyone feels the need for an abundancy of water, Minneapolis wouldn't be a bad destination idea!
Sculpture Gardens - Minneapolis
Before I moved to the Minneapolis area, I had no idea that there was a huge sculpture garden just west of I-94. I had driven that route too many times to mention, and little did I know, just on the other side of a line of trees was acres of sculpture gardens. To be completely honest, it wasn't until I was watching the Minneapolis auditions of American Idol in 2007 I believe and saw a cherry on a spoon that I started inquiring about this odd piece of art. Surely, it wasn't in downtown. How could it be? There isn't enough room for that. I have been downtown so many times and haven't seen a trace of it. Then I spent a few days at my brother's place in South Minneapolis and I begged him to take me there.
Holy Moly! These sculpture gardens are huge! There are so many sculptures and I didn't even know they were there! Turns out American Idol had it right, there is a huge cherry on a spoon, right there in Minneapolis. And boy, is it gorgeous! The "Spoonbridge and Cherry" is the focal point of the gardens, and there are so many others there, too, that it took us probably 3 hours to stroll the many acres. It is fun to just hang out there for an afternoon, taking in the artsy side of MPLS.
A great feature of the gardens is a bridge you can cross, spanning right above the 6 lanes of I-94. It's kinda freaky at first, walking above the traffic, but then it sets in and is very cool! The gardens are also cool to see from above. Knowing me and photography, I had fun thinking up different angles and different opportunities.
As much of a secret as the sculpture gardens are in Minneapolis, I would tell all my friends about it. It is a great place to go for relaxation, to study, to take your kids and let them loose, or to just come see another unique side of Minneapolis.
American Idol,
sculpture gardens
Getting Around - Minneapolis
There are plenty of easy ways to get around in downtown Minneapolis and its surrounding areas. One of the newest modes of transportation in Minneapolis is the Lightrail System. This system takes you all the way from Target Field in the Warehouse District to the Mall of America, with plenty of stops in between including both airport terminals. No matter where you are going, a ticket can cost you only about $3.00 per day. Plans are now in place to expand the Lightrail System to run between downtown Minneapolis and downtown St. Paul.
The Skyways are another easy way of getting around downtown Minneapolis. Downtown has 8 miles of Skyways, the largest system in the world, linking 69 city blocks. This is a great way to get around: the Skyways keep you warm, they have great directionals, and they are perfect if you are hopping around from building to building/retail shop to retail shop.
Walking is always a perfect way of getting around in any city. I will always advocate for walking. If you want to brave the always changing Minnesota weather, walk outside. You will get a better sense of the history of downtown, and maybe even run into Mary Tyler Moore! The streets are easy to navigate, and the people are always friendly if you need help.
Other ways of getting around in Minneapolis are by car, taxi, bus, bike.

Walking is always a perfect way of getting around in any city. I will always advocate for walking. If you want to brave the always changing Minnesota weather, walk outside. You will get a better sense of the history of downtown, and maybe even run into Mary Tyler Moore! The streets are easy to navigate, and the people are always friendly if you need help.
Other ways of getting around in Minneapolis are by car, taxi, bus, bike.
Mall of America,
Mary Tyler Moore,
St. Paul
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Minneapolis is abundant in things to do. Minneapolis is more of a natural city than a sight-seeing city, but if you come here looking for things to do, you will not be disappointed. I live in Minneapolis and haven't even gotten around to all there is to do in this city. Come along with me in my home city as I show you around!
Destination: Minneapolis
Check out the beauty of Minneapolis!
Getting Around
Target Field
Sculpture Gardens
Lake Calhoun/Surrounding Lakes
Foshay Tower
Stone Arch Bridge
Getting Around
Target Field
Sculpture Gardens
Lake Calhoun/Surrounding Lakes
Foshay Tower
Stone Arch Bridge
Target Field - Minneapolis
I can't count the number of Minnesota Twins games I have been to at the Metrodome. There was just something wrong with watching America's game in a climate controlled building with a huge teflon roof over you. Let's face it, the Metrodome was the eyesore of Minneapolis. Granted, the dome did have some home-field advantages for the Twins, such as pop-ups in the lights and the crowd noise, but what is the crowd noise advantage if there is no crowd, right? Enter Target Field.
Target Field opened up for its Inaugural Season in 2010 to an eager Minnesota Twins team, and to a state full of people breathing a sigh of relief. Finally, outdoor baseball! Minnesota finally got it right! But is Target Field all its cracked up to be?
A lot of Target Field is local. The limestone of the facade of the building is Minnesotan, and the batter's eye showcases Minnesota pine trees.
Since the Minnesota Gophers game, I have been to 2 other games there, and have gone on a tour. Catching a game at Target Field fills you with excitement! The fresh outdoor smells, the wind in your hair, the roar of the crowd, the crack of the bat, and the sights of downtown Minneapolis right in front of you! The crowd is way more into Twins baseball now that they are playing outdoors, which makes the game that much more thrilling. Each Twins hit causes an eruption, and don't even get me started with what a homerun causes! The games people go to most likely are their first games, so you'll hear a lot of chatter around you, comments such as, "look at that, daddy," "wow, that is enormous," "I can't believe this is the same team that played in the dome," "the food here is so much better," "I don't even feel like I am in Minnesota." Even if you aren't a Twins fan, you would appreciate the venue.
There is so much to see throughout Target Field, and it will give me lasting memories each time I enter the park.
Target Field is definitely all it's cracked up to be!
Tips on Target Field:
- If it is your first time at Target Field, you might want to arrive early. There is a lot to see, and you won't want to miss being part of history.
- There is no general admission into Target Field, so be prepared to pay a little more for face value. It's worth it!
- There also is no will-call. You cannot leave a ticket at the window for someone in your party. You either have to wait outside for them, or have them purchase the ticket themselves.
- Any seat in Target Field is a good seat. When I attended the Gophers game, I sat in about every section, and you will get a unique vantage point from anywhere in the stadium.
- The food is outstanding! On top of your usual hotdogs and brats, there is Minnesota State Fair food (food on a stick), chicken fingers that I think are better than anything you would get at a restaurant, tons of snacks, cookies, and beverages.

I had the honor of going to Target Field's first organized baseball game. Nope, not the home opener for the Twins, but an exhibition game for the University of Minnesota Gophers baseball team. How lucky were the Gophers to be playing on the new grass, new dirt, in front of a brand new crowd, bundled up, ready to brave the elements? I'd say pretty lucky! Target Field was selling tickets to this game on a first-come-first-serve basis to the first 25,000 people to enter the turn-styles. My husband and I got up 4 hours before the rooster crowed to get in line for tickets, not knowing the number of people who were going to be doing the same. Luckily, we were one of the first people in line....unluckily it was still March and the temperatures were teetering right around freezing. Sitting in the cold for 4 hours before the gates opened wasn't the most brilliant of ideas, but we knew it was going to be worth it.
The actual game started at 1pm, and the gates opened at 9am, giving the few select people a chance to take a thorough look at the place. Target Field is amazing. All the history of the Twins is all over the stadium! Kirby Puckett has his own area in the Legend's Club, and the Champion's Club holds the World Series Trophies. Unfortunately, the only access to the Champion's Club is a season ticket, but if you take a tour of Target Field, you will get to mill around the Champion's Club all you want! Other great features include the Townball Tavern, a great bar honoring the smalltown ball through the decades in Minnesota. Townball Tavern also has a section of flooring taken out of the court where the original Minneapolis Lakers used to play basketball! The scoreboard is enormous, about 500 times the size of the one in the Metrodome, not to mention it is HD equipped!! A favorite of mine is the homerun celebration feature. Located in centerfield, this large feature is the Twins original "Shaking Hands" logo from 1961-1981. It features Twins characters, Minnie and Paul that light up when a Twins player hits a homerun. There are twice, maybe 3 times as many restrooms, twice the room on the concourse featuring heated lamps for fans' comfort.
A lot of Target Field is local. The limestone of the facade of the building is Minnesotan, and the batter's eye showcases Minnesota pine trees.
Since the Minnesota Gophers game, I have been to 2 other games there, and have gone on a tour. Catching a game at Target Field fills you with excitement! The fresh outdoor smells, the wind in your hair, the roar of the crowd, the crack of the bat, and the sights of downtown Minneapolis right in front of you! The crowd is way more into Twins baseball now that they are playing outdoors, which makes the game that much more thrilling. Each Twins hit causes an eruption, and don't even get me started with what a homerun causes! The games people go to most likely are their first games, so you'll hear a lot of chatter around you, comments such as, "look at that, daddy," "wow, that is enormous," "I can't believe this is the same team that played in the dome," "the food here is so much better," "I don't even feel like I am in Minnesota." Even if you aren't a Twins fan, you would appreciate the venue.
There is so much to see throughout Target Field, and it will give me lasting memories each time I enter the park.
Target Field is definitely all it's cracked up to be!
Tips on Target Field:
- If it is your first time at Target Field, you might want to arrive early. There is a lot to see, and you won't want to miss being part of history.
- There is no general admission into Target Field, so be prepared to pay a little more for face value. It's worth it!
- There also is no will-call. You cannot leave a ticket at the window for someone in your party. You either have to wait outside for them, or have them purchase the ticket themselves.
- Any seat in Target Field is a good seat. When I attended the Gophers game, I sat in about every section, and you will get a unique vantage point from anywhere in the stadium.
- The food is outstanding! On top of your usual hotdogs and brats, there is Minnesota State Fair food (food on a stick), chicken fingers that I think are better than anything you would get at a restaurant, tons of snacks, cookies, and beverages.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The Mirage - Las Vegas
The Mirage is a cool Casino/Hotel. The Mirage has a rainforest theme, and is very welcoming! The first time I went to Vegas, it was at the Mirage that I won my first chunk of money, at Casino War no less! My most recent visit to Vegas was in May of '10, and they added a few new games to the casino, including Blackjack Switch. This game is one of my favorites. We played it at the Wynn in the fall of '09 because that was the only casino that had it. Blackjack Switch is a game where you are dealt 2 hands, and you can switch the top 2 cards. It allows for more strategy, but the dealer busts on a 23 or higher, not a 22 or higher.

The Mirage also has a fantastic Volcano Eruption Show in front of it. The show runs from 8pm-Midnight, on the hour, every hour. This Volcano Eruption is something you wouldn't want to miss. There is a huge rocky waterfall outside the Mirage that starts spewing lava , choreographed to music. The show lasts about 3-5 minutes, and you will not be disappointed. In my opinion, the Eruption is better than the Water Show at the Bellagio.
The Mirage also has a fantastic Volcano Eruption Show in front of it. The show runs from 8pm-Midnight, on the hour, every hour. This Volcano Eruption is something you wouldn't want to miss. There is a huge rocky waterfall outside the Mirage that starts spewing lava , choreographed to music. The show lasts about 3-5 minutes, and you will not be disappointed. In my opinion, the Eruption is better than the Water Show at the Bellagio.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Little Italy/Chinatown - New York City
After my trip to NYC, I learned that almost every big city has a Chinatown, but the Chinatown, and Little Italy for that matter, in New York City was my first experience! I really didn't know what to expect!

Monday, May 3, 2010
Empire State Building - New York City
In my personal opinion, the Empire State Building defines the New York City skyline! It's a gorgeous building, and the sights from the top are unbelieveable!
The Empire State Building (ESB) is a 102 story landmark in NYC with its name deriving from New York's nickname, The Empire State. It stood as the world's tallest building for more than 40 years until the completion of the World Trade Center's North Tower in 1972. Today, the ESB is the 3rd tallest skyscraper in the Americas, following the Willis Tower (formally the Sears Tower), and Trump International Hotel and Tower both in Chicago.
We wanted to see New York City from the top at night, so as the night grew on, so did the fog. We had gotten tickets for that night, partly because there were no lines, but they wouldn't let us up because the fog was too thick for visitors to see anything, so they allowed us to come back the next day and skip the lines!! Sweet!
When we got up there, the views were, as I said, unbelieveable!! Each observer gets a 360 degree view of beautiful New York City, including a few of its boroughs, if it's a clear day! On a clear day, one can see far into New Jersey, and way out into the Atlantic!! As a lot of you know, I love seeing city's from the top, and there was SOOOO much to see from the ESB!!! So many buildings, neighborhoods, ponds, Central Park, cabs, and so on and so forth!!
You can stay up at the top for as long as you wanted, and luckily I had reinforcements to drag me down to the street again. The ESB was an excellent experience, and when anyone is in NYC, they should definitely take the time to go observe New York from the top!
Tips on the Empire State Building:
-The lines are always extremely long (except for our rare experience), especially on weekends I would assume, so be prepared for that.
-The observation deck is fenced in, outdoors. If there is anyone afraid of hieghts, it might be unnerving for them.
The Empire State Building (ESB) is a 102 story landmark in NYC with its name deriving from New York's nickname, The Empire State. It stood as the world's tallest building for more than 40 years until the completion of the World Trade Center's North Tower in 1972. Today, the ESB is the 3rd tallest skyscraper in the Americas, following the Willis Tower (formally the Sears Tower), and Trump International Hotel and Tower both in Chicago.
We wanted to see New York City from the top at night, so as the night grew on, so did the fog. We had gotten tickets for that night, partly because there were no lines, but they wouldn't let us up because the fog was too thick for visitors to see anything, so they allowed us to come back the next day and skip the lines!! Sweet!

You can stay up at the top for as long as you wanted, and luckily I had reinforcements to drag me down to the street again. The ESB was an excellent experience, and when anyone is in NYC, they should definitely take the time to go observe New York from the top!
Tips on the Empire State Building:
-The lines are always extremely long (except for our rare experience), especially on weekends I would assume, so be prepared for that.
-The observation deck is fenced in, outdoors. If there is anyone afraid of hieghts, it might be unnerving for them.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Statue of Liberty - New York City

My family and I saw the Statue of Liberty from a ferry crossing from Manhattan to Staten Island, NJ. We didn't make a stop on Ellis Island, but the view from the ferry was probably just as astonishing! There she was, having her very own island, greeting immigrants and returning American citizens to their home soil. The one downfall of seeing the Statue of Liberty was that it was an overcast day. I think we got jipped on seeing the Statue's true elegance, but we got a pretty good idea. I think the next time I go to NYC, I will be making a stop on Ellis Island and actually go up in Lady Liberty! You know me and going up to the top of things. :)
Ground Zero - New York City

When I saw the empty site, I couldn't believe that the World Trade Center used to stand there. It looked so small. There were no words as I was reading the tributes and memorials, and I shivered at my own memory of what I recalled on that day. We were there in 2004, so nothing was happening as far as construction. It just looked like a run-of-the-mill construction site.
Some of you might remember the rumors of a church across from Ground Zero being the only structure that stood amongst rubble. We found that church, and the sights inside of it were overwhelming. I remember there being a huge banner that took up a whole wall that said, "We Will Never Forget." There were tons of colored pictures from first graders who drew their depictions of what had happened, there were many memorials from friends and families, and I think that whatever the church received in regards to the 9/11 tribute, they found a place for.
Ground Zero means a lot of things to a lot of different people, and you can't help but feeling very emotional when visiting the site.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Broadway Show - RENT - New York City
No one can escape the gigantic ads and billboards plastered all over NYC, namely Times Square. These ads are trying to get you to go to their musical. Cats, Wicked, Mama Mia, RENT, The Lion King, Jersey Boys, etc, etc, etc. I am a lover of musicals, so I knew I could not get out of the city without going to a Broadway show. With much researching and budgeting, we decided on the Broadway musical, RENT!
RENT is a story of a bunch of friends, trying to survive the city of lights with diseases, homosexuality, and just a little change in their pockets. I read rave reviews about RENT and was so happy to be going! It's incredible, the theaters just off Times Square. If you weren't going to a Broadway show, you wouldn't know that this is where productions take place. Just tiny little theater-fronts mixed amongst everyday New York City buildings!
After this awe-inspiring performance, I was itching to see another. Unfortunately just the one show was all time allowed us to see, but this experience will be etched in my mind forever as one of the best!
-Buy tickets early!
-Don't take pictures inside the theater, even if the production hasn't started yet. The ushers will find you and confiscate your camera for the remainder of the performance!

For these Broadway productions, the dress code varies. My family and I dressed up, but we saw ticket-holders wearing jeans and t-shirts. Maybe their motto is: "I don't care how you get here, just get here!"
Tips on Broadway Musicals:
-Before your trip, look online for ticket deals!-Buy tickets early!
-Don't take pictures inside the theater, even if the production hasn't started yet. The ushers will find you and confiscate your camera for the remainder of the performance!
5th Avenue - New York City

5th Avenue is a very popular parade route. Parades that dominate 5th Avenue are the St. Patrick's Day Parade, and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. During the warm months, one will find parts of 5th Avenue blocks off almost every Sunday due to parades.
While in New York City, we stayed away from the department stores, but all along 5th Avenue were vendors selling different treasures on the streets. Great deals that we found from streets vendors were: purses, watches, jewelery, sunglasses, and wallets. Granted most of these items are off-brands, they are probably more than half the cost. I remember coming home with a purse, a bracelet, and a watch, all for just under $20!!
5th Avenue is a great stroll, especially after just coming from Central Park. 5th Avenue is another low maintenance attraction that will be sure to please everyone!
Tips on 5th Avenue:
- If you are shopping along the street, try bartaring. It may just work.
-This is true with any shopping....if you want to buy something, buy it now because you will most likely never get back to the store/vendor.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Central Park - New York City
Central Park is one of the largest open areas in the United States, occupying about 1.3 square miles in the heart of Manhattan. Before we arrived in New York City, I really had no idea just how big Central Park was going to be.
My family and I devoted a half day to Central Park itself. We decided the best way to see it all was with a horse and carriage ride. Much like in my Chicago Horse and Carriage blog, the driver of the Central Park carriage told us of important landmarks, sculptures, and bridges in the park. Included was a history lesson of how the Park came to be. What amazed me was that this Park was at the disposal of all New Yorkers! What a cool place to call your own.
There are many things to do in Central Park. Many of you may be familiar with the Great Lawn. In previous decades, the Great Lawn was popular for hosting many concerts such as The Supremes, Elton John, Simon and Garfunkel, Diana Ross, and Garth Brooks. Although these types of concerts are mostly a thing of the past, due to wanting to preserve the lawn and noise constraints, there are still annual local concerts given on the Great Lawn, including the New York Philharmonic and Metropolitan Opera.
There are two skating rinks in Central Park, one of which converts to a swimming pool every July and August. In addition, Central Park is home to its very own zoo, baseball diamonds, the world famous Carousel that was brought over from Coney Island, and a conservatory garden.
When you decide to move on from Central Park, hopefully you will be left with a sense of relaxation, and new spark of energy, and the honor of just having been in the greatest park in the US of A!
Tips on Central Park:
-Plan on devoting at least a half-day in Central Park.
-Although more expensive, try to take a carriage ride. If you have 4 people going, you can divide the costs and you will be directed by a Central Park expert, cutting in half the time it would take you to walk through the whole park.-If you are planning out your whole trip to New York City, a suggestion would be to plan a visit to Central Park after you do most of your sightseeing. I say this because you will have the opportunity to lay down, relax on a blanket, and rest your feet. There is a magnitude of quiet spots within the park, so take advantage of this!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Yankee Stadium- The Bronx
I had the great honor of taking in a Yankees game at the old Yankee Stadium just a few short years before the new one was built! Yankee Stadium ranks right up there with Fenway Park as far as classic stadiums go! You can't get any more storied that this!
The Subway ride over to the Bronx was super fun because we knew that 90% of the people riding with us were going to be at the game. We got off the Subway and the Yankee buzz was all around us! I was excited!!
The New York Yankees were playing the Detroit Tigers, and although I despise the Yankees more than any other team in MLB, I just had to cheer for them this time! I knew I'd catch a lot of hell if I didn't! Those Yanks sure are hard-core! We had seats in the left-center bleacher seats, and they were amazing! We could see everything! The best part of sitting there was the fellow fans in our section. There were about 4 Yankee fans a few rows below us, and I could tell they were season ticket holders. During the game and before almost every pitch, they would make small dollar bets on if the next pitch would be a strike, ball, etc, and then the loser would actually pay up! It was a fun atmosphere all around, and each Yankee run felt, and sounded like they had just won the World Series! It was also fun seeing sports icons like Derek Jeter play! The Yankees ended up winning that game, which was good because I can't imagine the riots if the outcome had been different. Especially since they lost the night before vs. their hated rivals, the Boston Red Sox. The score the night before was like 17-3. Yikes!
Today, the new Yankee Stadium is in use, and the architects replicated the new one to look almost exactly like the old one, as to feel like you are still part of all the history. Even if you can't get to a game in Yankee Stadium, I would suggest at least taking some time out to go see Yankee Stadium. It'll be worth it, and you'll be very happy you did!
The Subway ride over to the Bronx was super fun because we knew that 90% of the people riding with us were going to be at the game. We got off the Subway and the Yankee buzz was all around us! I was excited!!
Today, the new Yankee Stadium is in use, and the architects replicated the new one to look almost exactly like the old one, as to feel like you are still part of all the history. Even if you can't get to a game in Yankee Stadium, I would suggest at least taking some time out to go see Yankee Stadium. It'll be worth it, and you'll be very happy you did!
Boston Red Sox,
Detroit Tigers,
World Series,
Monday, March 8, 2010
Times Square - New York City
When we got to our hotel, The Carter, we were impressed how close it was to Times Square. Only 2 blocks away. Though our hotel wasn't anywhere near 5-Star, we didn't care, because all we were going to do there was sleep. We were ready to answer Times Square's call to us!
Times Sqaure was huge! I was on sensory-overload within minutes, but I was loving it. Times Square is where they tape segments of The Today Show, it's where they drop the ball on New Years Eve, and it has some of the biggest and brightest ads in the world! It used to be that traffic went right down the center of Times Square, but traffic was rerouted around Times Square to make it more tourist-friendly!
The week we went to New York City happened to be Fleet Week. Fleet Week is a United States Navy, United States Marine Corp and United States Coast Guard tradition in which active military ships recently deployed in overseas operations dock in a variety of major cities for one week. Once the ships dock, the crews can enter the city and visit its tourist attractions. A few of the Navy Boys were talking to some media outlets, so we checked out what was up, and while we were standing there, we ended up on NBC's Panasonic JUMBOTRON in the middle of Times Square!! How cool is that?!
Other cool things to note on Times Square: I was interviewed by some Japanese college students who were doing a project on demin jeans, and we saw the Naked Cowboy! There is never a shortage of things to see and do in Times Square, and I wouldn't want you to miss any of it!!!
Times Sqaure was huge! I was on sensory-overload within minutes, but I was loving it. Times Square is where they tape segments of The Today Show, it's where they drop the ball on New Years Eve, and it has some of the biggest and brightest ads in the world! It used to be that traffic went right down the center of Times Square, but traffic was rerouted around Times Square to make it more tourist-friendly!

Other cool things to note on Times Square: I was interviewed by some Japanese college students who were doing a project on demin jeans, and we saw the Naked Cowboy! There is never a shortage of things to see and do in Times Square, and I wouldn't want you to miss any of it!!!
Carter Hotel,
Fleet Week,
Naked Cowboy,
The Today Show,
Times Square
The Subway - New York City
The Subway is one of the most popular ways to get around in New York City. The traffic is always terrible, and the Subway seems to take care of all of those headaches. My trip to NYC was also my first experience on any sort of major public transit, and I was anxious to see how it worked, and how it could carry all those people and get them to their destinations in a timely fashion.
It will always amaze me at how underground Subway Systems are built. Not only is carving out miles of dirt a feat in itself, but carving out the earth under water takes it to a whole different level! And that's what I experienced even before I stepped foot in the city! Our plane landed at JFK, so that meant we had to cross a waterway in order to get onto Long Island, hence the name. I didn't realize that we were beneath water until my brother pointed it out to me on the Subway map. Such a weird feeling!
The rest of our visit in NYC concerning the Subway was fantastic! The trains arrived right on time, and it felt like they traveled at the speed of light. There are so many Subway Stations in the city so it is a short walk from anywhere to catch a ride. The only times the Subway might be delayed is when a game or event is going on, which is almost always, but there are so many trains to ensure a speedy Subway process.
Before New York City, the only Subway I knew of was the sandwich shops, but now when I go to big city's, I swear by them!
It will always amaze me at how underground Subway Systems are built. Not only is carving out miles of dirt a feat in itself, but carving out the earth under water takes it to a whole different level! And that's what I experienced even before I stepped foot in the city! Our plane landed at JFK, so that meant we had to cross a waterway in order to get onto Long Island, hence the name. I didn't realize that we were beneath water until my brother pointed it out to me on the Subway map. Such a weird feeling!
The rest of our visit in NYC concerning the Subway was fantastic! The trains arrived right on time, and it felt like they traveled at the speed of light. There are so many Subway Stations in the city so it is a short walk from anywhere to catch a ride. The only times the Subway might be delayed is when a game or event is going on, which is almost always, but there are so many trains to ensure a speedy Subway process.
Before New York City, the only Subway I knew of was the sandwich shops, but now when I go to big city's, I swear by them!
Destination: New York City
Here are some of the great sights in New York City!
The Subway
Times Square
Yankee Stadium
Cenrtal Park
5th Avenue
Broadway Show - RENT
Ground Zero
Statue of Liberty
Empire State Building
Little Italy/Chinatown
The Subway
Times Square
Yankee Stadium
Cenrtal Park
5th Avenue
Broadway Show - RENT
Ground Zero
Statue of Liberty
Empire State Building
Little Italy/Chinatown
New York City
New York. The Big Apple. The City that Never Sleeps. The most populated city in the country. New York City was one of my favorite city's to visit. There are endless opportunities and things to see and do, for anyone!
While in New York, I was at the top of the Empire State Building, I took a horse and carriage ride through Central Park, walked 5th Ave., took the Ferry across to Staten Island, saw a Broadway Show, saw the sights of Ground Zero, and of course went to a Yankees game! I did this, and more, all within 3 and a half days! So buckle up 'cuz it's going to be a wild ride!
While in New York, I was at the top of the Empire State Building, I took a horse and carriage ride through Central Park, walked 5th Ave., took the Ferry across to Staten Island, saw a Broadway Show, saw the sights of Ground Zero, and of course went to a Yankees game! I did this, and more, all within 3 and a half days! So buckle up 'cuz it's going to be a wild ride!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Catch a Show - Las Vegas
One of the best shows, in my opinion, on the Vegas Strip is Cher. On my most recent trip to Vegas, my husband and I saw Cher at the Colliseum at Caesar's Palace, and we were not disappointed!! You might be asking yourself why two 25-year-olds would go see Cher in Vegas when there are many other more "hip" show opportunities to see. Well, I'll tell you why we went to see Cher.
On my first date with my husband, we were driving back from a restaurant, and I had Cher's song, "If I Could Turn Back Time" blasting from a mixed CD in my car, and I was just bopping right along with the song so much that I didn't realize the stoplight above me was red, and I ran it. Luckily it was late in the night and no one else was on the road with us (cops especially). My husband said that the combination of my singing and looking so happy made him fall for me even harder that night.
So, when we decided Vegas would be our pre-honeymoon destination, it was a perfect fit that Cher was there, and there was no denying the fact of seeing her.
Cher may be in her mid 60's but she doesn't look (and DEFINITELY doesn't sing) like a a day over 35! She can still belt out a tune the same, if not better, as she did in her prime! Her show was set up as a "through the life of Cher" theme, so she sang songs starting at the beginning of her career, straight through the end of it. And the costumes she wore went right along with the decade she released the song. Brilliant!!!
Cher has always, and will always hold a special place in the hearts of myself and my husband, and we were greatful that we got to see her!
Every casino/hotel on the strip has a headliner show that is always playing. Your night will never be dull with this list, and who knows, you may be able to find great deals on others! Here are some major headliners!
Luxor - Criss Angel (Illusionist)
New York New York - Cirque du Soleil's "Zumanity"
Venetian - Blue Man Group
Planet Hollywood - V-The Ultimate Variety Show
Flamingo - Donnie and Marie
Wynn - Le Reve, Garth Brooks
Mandalay Bay - The Lion King
Palazzo - Jersey Boys
Bally's - The Price Is Right
Bellagio - Cirque du Soleil's "O"
There are many opportunities to find discounted show tickets all over the Vegas strip. I know of a place just outside of Excalibur, and I'm sure there are many more, maybe even within a particular hotel. From experience, there is no other way to spend a Vegas evening!
On my first date with my husband, we were driving back from a restaurant, and I had Cher's song, "If I Could Turn Back Time" blasting from a mixed CD in my car, and I was just bopping right along with the song so much that I didn't realize the stoplight above me was red, and I ran it. Luckily it was late in the night and no one else was on the road with us (cops especially). My husband said that the combination of my singing and looking so happy made him fall for me even harder that night.
So, when we decided Vegas would be our pre-honeymoon destination, it was a perfect fit that Cher was there, and there was no denying the fact of seeing her.
Cher may be in her mid 60's but she doesn't look (and DEFINITELY doesn't sing) like a a day over 35! She can still belt out a tune the same, if not better, as she did in her prime! Her show was set up as a "through the life of Cher" theme, so she sang songs starting at the beginning of her career, straight through the end of it. And the costumes she wore went right along with the decade she released the song. Brilliant!!!
Cher has always, and will always hold a special place in the hearts of myself and my husband, and we were greatful that we got to see her!
Every casino/hotel on the strip has a headliner show that is always playing. Your night will never be dull with this list, and who knows, you may be able to find great deals on others! Here are some major headliners!
Luxor - Criss Angel (Illusionist)
New York New York - Cirque du Soleil's "Zumanity"
Venetian - Blue Man Group
Planet Hollywood - V-The Ultimate Variety Show
Flamingo - Donnie and Marie
Wynn - Le Reve, Garth Brooks
Mandalay Bay - The Lion King
Palazzo - Jersey Boys
Bally's - The Price Is Right
Bellagio - Cirque du Soleil's "O"
There are many opportunities to find discounted show tickets all over the Vegas strip. I know of a place just outside of Excalibur, and I'm sure there are many more, maybe even within a particular hotel. From experience, there is no other way to spend a Vegas evening!
Las Vegas,
mandalay bay,
new york new york,
planet hollywood,
Other Hotels on the Strip - Las Vegas
There are many other hotels on the strip, and I will brief you on them, and their theme, in hopes one or more spark your interest.
Mandalay Bay - Southeast Asia
Excalibur - Camelot
Tropicana - Tropical
New York New York - New York City
MGM Grand - Hollywood
Planet Hollywood - Hollywood
Hard Rock - Rock and Roll
Bally's - FUN
Rio - Brazilian/Mardi Gras
Caeser's Palace - Roman Empire
Harrah's - Carnival
Palms - Fantasy
Venetian - Venice
Palazzo - European
Circus Circus - Circus
Riviera - Modern
Sahara - Moroccan
Mandalay Bay - Southeast Asia
Excalibur - Camelot
Tropicana - Tropical
New York New York - New York City
MGM Grand - Hollywood
Planet Hollywood - Hollywood
Hard Rock - Rock and Roll
Bally's - FUN
Rio - Brazilian/Mardi Gras
Caeser's Palace - Roman Empire
Harrah's - Carnival
Palms - Fantasy
Venetian - Venice
Palazzo - European
Circus Circus - Circus
Riviera - Modern
Sahara - Moroccan
Caeser's Palace,
Circus Circus,
Hard Rock,
mandalay bay,
MGM Grand,
planet hollywood,
Favorite Casinos - Las Vegas
Although I hilighted the Stratosphere, Bellagio and T.I., a bunch more casinos really struck my fancy. I'll try and go down the strip, from south to north, naming some of my favorites!
First is the Luxor. This casino/hotel is Egyptian style, and the best thing about it is its pyramid shape. The interior follows suit, with the rooms slanted, and the elevator even goes up at a diagonal incline! The rooms are around the perimeter of the hotel, with a huge lobby area on the middle. Another hilight about this hotel is the skyway that connects Mandalay Bay, the Luxor, and Excalibur. This makes these hotels easily accessible right from within!
The Monte Carlo is such a classy hotel, it's hard not to go in! When we visited the Monte Carlo, we mostly went in there to play at the tables. The service is great, the dealers are nice, and the fellow table-mates are friendly. We seemed to have a lot of luck there, too!
The second time in Vegas, we stayed at the Flamingo. This hotel/casino is the oldest standing hotel on the strip, and I like it for several reasons. The Flamigo is right in the heart of the strip, known as one of the casinos on the 4 corners. Even though it's right in the thick of things, it is very reasonably priced. The casino also has a walk-out entrance/exit to the strip.
One of my favorite places to play table games is the Mirage. I liked their casino War, and it seems they are the only casino to have it. I like those low-risk card games! I also liked the Mirage's asthetics. You walk in the casino and it felt like you were walking into a jungle! Very tropical!

The Wynn and Encore, 2 very modern hotels, are the last of the favorites. These hotels are as one, connected through a skyway and built with the same design in mind. This casino had different options for blackjack, like Blackjack Switch. The Wynn and Encore had a very Aisan feel, and I really liked it!
The Monte Carlo is such a classy hotel, it's hard not to go in! When we visited the Monte Carlo, we mostly went in there to play at the tables. The service is great, the dealers are nice, and the fellow table-mates are friendly. We seemed to have a lot of luck there, too!
One of my favorite places to play table games is the Mirage. I liked their casino War, and it seems they are the only casino to have it. I like those low-risk card games! I also liked the Mirage's asthetics. You walk in the casino and it felt like you were walking into a jungle! Very tropical!
The Wynn and Encore, 2 very modern hotels, are the last of the favorites. These hotels are as one, connected through a skyway and built with the same design in mind. This casino had different options for blackjack, like Blackjack Switch. The Wynn and Encore had a very Aisan feel, and I really liked it!
Monte Carlo,
Sirens of T.I. - Las Vegas
The Sirens of T.I. is a free pirate show at the strip entrance of Treasure Island hotel and casino. Treasure Island has their own river for their very big ship to float down! It is quite the spectacle of singing, acting, and dancing! A lot of people show up for each performance, being the shows are in 90 minute incriments. You have to show up at least 20-30 minutes ahead of time if you want a good spot, but the best areas to view the show are reserved for Treasure Island hotel guests. It is kind of hard to hear the actor, even though they are mic'ed up, but even still, the singing and dancing is great. Parental guidance is suggested, as there are explosions, scantally clad women, and over PG-13 language.
The casino itself we didn't spend too much time in; only enough to walk through and get a jist of it all. The casino/hotel is on the curve of the strip, so from there the heart of the strip is easily accessible.
Tips of T.I.-
-After the show is over, we found ourselves being herded along because everyone seemed to be going in the same direction. If you want to wait out the crowd, it wouldn't be a bad idea to head into the casino for a bit.
The casino itself we didn't spend too much time in; only enough to walk through and get a jist of it all. The casino/hotel is on the curve of the strip, so from there the heart of the strip is easily accessible.
Tips of T.I.-
-After the show is over, we found ourselves being herded along because everyone seemed to be going in the same direction. If you want to wait out the crowd, it wouldn't be a bad idea to head into the casino for a bit.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Paris - Las Vegas
The first thing you will probably notice about the Paris hotel is the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower in Vegas is exactly half the size of the one in France, and they wanted to make it the same size, but because on the airport right across the freeway, they had to scale it back. The Eiffel Tower in Vegas even has a restaurant in it, just like the one in France! The south end of the hotel has its own version of the Arc de Triomphe, too!
A really cool aspect of the Paris hotel is one in the casino. One of the legs on the Eiffel Tower comes down through the roof and to the floor of the casino! The casino itself was alright. It had a different aroma, but it was still inviting.
Tips on Paris:
- Don't go to the top of the Eiffel Tower if you are afraid of heights. It is a bit unstable up there at times.
Arc de Triomphe,
Eiffel Tower,
ronald reagan airport
Bellagio - Las Vegas
The Bellagio is one of the more famous hotel and casinos in Las Vegas, and arguably the most luxurious. The Bellagio is most known for its Fountain Show facing the Vegas strip.
The first time I was in Las Vegas, we were in a taxi driving by the Bellagio and the Fountain Show happened to be going. That was the best way to start off my trip! The Fountain Show is done to music, once every half hour in the afternoon, and every 15 minutes from 8pm to 12am. And the best thing about it is it's completely free! Just walk up from the strip to one of the great vantage points, enjoy the romance, and get ready to be blown away! I've seen the show a few time, and even once from the Eiffel Tower across the street! It was amazing!
The shops inide the Bellagio are magnificent! If you go in a particular entrance, I swear you walk through a mile of up-scale shops. Before I went to Las Vegas, I watched the movie "21" and a scene in it was when they were in the middle of a shopping spree. I remember thinking to myself, "where the heck do they have a mall on the strip?" Haha! Once you make it to the casino, it is extravvagant! When just standing and looking around, everything looks plush! The only downfall about the Bellagio casino is that they have automatic card shufflers, so if you know how to count cards (from the movie "21"), the Blackjack tables at the Bellagio aren't going to be for you.
The Bellagio Buffet is a spectacle on its own. This buffet has seen world-renowned chefs like Wolfgang Puck and Bobby Flay. The buffet prides itself on their selection of seafood, among other gourmet food! You will not want to miss it!
Tips on the Bellagio:
-If you aren't a big seafood fan, you might want to try a different buffet.
-The Bellagio has one of the highest room rates on the strip, so if you are in Vegas on any kind of budget, I would suggest staying at another hotel.
The first time I was in Las Vegas, we were in a taxi driving by the Bellagio and the Fountain Show happened to be going. That was the best way to start off my trip! The Fountain Show is done to music, once every half hour in the afternoon, and every 15 minutes from 8pm to 12am. And the best thing about it is it's completely free! Just walk up from the strip to one of the great vantage points, enjoy the romance, and get ready to be blown away! I've seen the show a few time, and even once from the Eiffel Tower across the street! It was amazing!
The shops inide the Bellagio are magnificent! If you go in a particular entrance, I swear you walk through a mile of up-scale shops. Before I went to Las Vegas, I watched the movie "21" and a scene in it was when they were in the middle of a shopping spree. I remember thinking to myself, "where the heck do they have a mall on the strip?" Haha! Once you make it to the casino, it is extravvagant! When just standing and looking around, everything looks plush! The only downfall about the Bellagio casino is that they have automatic card shufflers, so if you know how to count cards (from the movie "21"), the Blackjack tables at the Bellagio aren't going to be for you.
The Bellagio Buffet is a spectacle on its own. This buffet has seen world-renowned chefs like Wolfgang Puck and Bobby Flay. The buffet prides itself on their selection of seafood, among other gourmet food! You will not want to miss it!
Tips on the Bellagio:
-If you aren't a big seafood fan, you might want to try a different buffet.
-The Bellagio has one of the highest room rates on the strip, so if you are in Vegas on any kind of budget, I would suggest staying at another hotel.
The Metro - Washington DC
The Washington DC Metro System should be commended for the fantastic job they do at getting countless people from Point A to Point B in a timely fashion!
The Metro system is by far the easiest way to get around the city. It would not be in your best interest to rent a car in DC because it is one of the busiest city's in the country, and a taxi can cost you an arm and a leg. The ticketing process is very easy, with many ticket options to choose from (single day passes, weekly passes, and monthly passes). I am usually apprehensive about metro systems because I never know which direction I want to go/what my final destination will be, but the Metro system in DC is very navigable.
It seems that there is a Metro stop on every corner in the city, keeping walking to a minimum, and each stop is named clearly. For example, if you want to get off the Metro and see the Pentagon, the stop will be called "Pentagon." There are several Metro lines that run, but they are clearly color-coated and run in their particular direction. The conductor also tells their passengers what the next stop will be. Anyone can easily navigate around DC on the Metro.
The Metro system is by far the easiest way to get around the city. It would not be in your best interest to rent a car in DC because it is one of the busiest city's in the country, and a taxi can cost you an arm and a leg. The ticketing process is very easy, with many ticket options to choose from (single day passes, weekly passes, and monthly passes). I am usually apprehensive about metro systems because I never know which direction I want to go/what my final destination will be, but the Metro system in DC is very navigable.
It seems that there is a Metro stop on every corner in the city, keeping walking to a minimum, and each stop is named clearly. For example, if you want to get off the Metro and see the Pentagon, the stop will be called "Pentagon." There are several Metro lines that run, but they are clearly color-coated and run in their particular direction. The conductor also tells their passengers what the next stop will be. Anyone can easily navigate around DC on the Metro.
Nationals Park - Washington DC

The Washington Nationals are a fairly new franchise, so Nationals Park is one of the newer ballparks in the league. I was disappointed, however, at the lack of asthetics throughout the park. To each their own I guess. Many of you may have forgotten about the Washington Senators of the 1900's, which shares the name of the current National Park.
We like to get to games early to heckle the outfielders during batting practice, and at this particular practice, heckling paid off as one of the Brewers pitchers tossed me up a souviner ball! As the game progressed, there were 2 rain delays, and as a result, people were leaving the park. So what did we do? Walked down to sit right behind the Brewers dugout for the rest of the game! Never done THAT before! What a great experience it all was!
Ford's Theater - Washington DC
Everyone learns in 4th grade the story of how Lincoln was assasinated, but you won't truly know exactly what happened until you have walked in Lincoln's final steps!
Ford's Theater is located just off of Pennsylvania Ave, and believe it or not, it still produces performances! With a free same-day ticket, you will be in for a real treat. When you first eneter, you are guided to a small museum to wait for your tour to begin. The first stop of the tour is in the actual theater where Lincoln was assisinated. While there, you will hear the story about what happened that night, and how the audience thought the assasination was all part of the play. We got to see the box seats where where Lincoln was viewing the play from, and the route Booth took to get to the box seats, and where he went after that. The lady who told us that story while we were all sitting in the theater made it all seem so real.
We then went across the street to where Lincoln was taken to be tended to, the Peterson House. Our tour group had the opportunity to walk through the house and see where Lincoln took his last breath. I am a very visual person, so this display was a very cool thing to see. I will recommend this tour for anyone of any age to see.
Ford's Theater is located just off of Pennsylvania Ave, and believe it or not, it still produces performances! With a free same-day ticket, you will be in for a real treat. When you first eneter, you are guided to a small museum to wait for your tour to begin. The first stop of the tour is in the actual theater where Lincoln was assisinated. While there, you will hear the story about what happened that night, and how the audience thought the assasination was all part of the play. We got to see the box seats where where Lincoln was viewing the play from, and the route Booth took to get to the box seats, and where he went after that. The lady who told us that story while we were all sitting in the theater made it all seem so real.
We then went across the street to where Lincoln was taken to be tended to, the Peterson House. Our tour group had the opportunity to walk through the house and see where Lincoln took his last breath. I am a very visual person, so this display was a very cool thing to see. I will recommend this tour for anyone of any age to see.
Ford's Theater,
Pennsylvania Avenue,
Peterson House
Holocaust Museum - Washington DC

Ever since reading the book "Night" by Elie Weisel, I have been enthralled in learning everything there is to know about the Holocaust, so when I noticed that this museum was in DC, I knew I had to go. When we got into the Museum, we were given a real Camp Auschwitz I.D., and that's who we were supposed to portray during our visit there. I was a woman named Dora Eiger, and on her I.D. was her story, telling if she survived or not, and what she went through while at the camp. That alone sent chills up my spine. Going through the museum, we read about the history of Hitler, saw pictures of death and destruction, and read testimonials of survivors years after the Holocaust.
This experience, much like the one at Arlington National Cemetery, was humbling, and while going through this museum, it was almost all quiet. If anyone is a fan of autobiographies, or history of any sort, you won't want to miss the United States Holocaust Museum.
Tips on the Holocaust Museum:
-The Holocaust Museum is not recommended for young children. They said that first-time guests spend about 2-3 hours in the museum, so young children might get ancy.
Elie Weisel,
holocaust museum,
Monday, February 22, 2010
Smithsonian - Washington DC
Most of the Smithsonian Museums are along the National Mall, in between the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument. There are many Smithsonian Museums in DC, and you would need about 3 days to get through them all. Before we left for DC, we decided we would go to the one that appealed to us both, which was the Air and Space Museum.
When we walked in, my gaze was immediately brought to the ceiling. All throughout the museum, airplanes both designed from the past and present were hanging from the ceiling, as if they were flying through the air. There were many rooms throughout the museum with different air and space subjects contained in them. We went into rooms dedicated to Amelia Earhart, the Wright Bros., the Solar System, the Space Shuttle launches, meteorology, and WWI and WWI aircraft. There was so much cool stuff to see, but my favorite exhibit was probably the simulated weather board.
The Air and Space Museum was very educational, and they had many hand-on exhibits for children, too! I can't speak for other Smithsonians, though, because the Air and Space Museum was the only one we made time to visit.
Whether it's the Air and Space Museum, or any other Smithsonian along the National Mall, I think any of these museums are worth a visit!
Tips on the Smithsonians:
-Take your time when visiting. There is a lot to see!
-Make a choice of one or two Smithsonians to see when you are there. If you try and see all of them, you might not have enough time to see the other sights DC has to offer.
When we walked in, my gaze was immediately brought to the ceiling. All throughout the museum, airplanes both designed from the past and present were hanging from the ceiling, as if they were flying through the air. There were many rooms throughout the museum with different air and space subjects contained in them. We went into rooms dedicated to Amelia Earhart, the Wright Bros., the Solar System, the Space Shuttle launches, meteorology, and WWI and WWI aircraft. There was so much cool stuff to see, but my favorite exhibit was probably the simulated weather board.
The Air and Space Museum was very educational, and they had many hand-on exhibits for children, too! I can't speak for other Smithsonians, though, because the Air and Space Museum was the only one we made time to visit.
Whether it's the Air and Space Museum, or any other Smithsonian along the National Mall, I think any of these museums are worth a visit!
Tips on the Smithsonians:
-Take your time when visiting. There is a lot to see!
-Make a choice of one or two Smithsonians to see when you are there. If you try and see all of them, you might not have enough time to see the other sights DC has to offer.
Arlington National Cemetery - Arlington, VA
How do I even begin to describe to you my humbling visit to Arlington National Cemetery? This visit will forever be etched in my mind as one of the most memorable places I have been.
It was raining the day we decided to visit Arlington National Cemetery, which made our visit even more sombering. Being it was raining, we took a tour bus through the 200 acres cemetery. The tour bus stopped by General Lee's House, and the Kennedy gravesites close by, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier where the Changing of the Guards take place every half hour, and a final stop where the name is slipping my mind at the moment. As we continued along the pathways, the guide told of who was resting where, what sites were new, and who got the privilege of being burried here.
We stopped off the bus at the site of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to witness the Changing of the Guards. The Changing of the Guards occur just beyond the Memorial Amphitheater where many services occur throughout the year to honor all service men and women who keep our country free. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is guarded 24/7, 365 days a year, regardless of weather, and the Changing of the Guard occurs every half hour. This process is just surreal. A guard is standing at the Tomb, when another soldier walks down a path to the edge of the area where the Tomb is. He is met by the current guard, and they march side by side to the front of the Tomb. They do some choreographed steps and gun movements, and the retired guard walks off, leaving the Tomb to the new guard. I can write it all I want, but it is nothing like being there, nothing at all! Although we were soaking to the bone, I wouldn't have missed it for the world! The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier's Changing of the Guards is an event you will not want to miss!
Tips on Arlington National Cemetery:
-The cemetery is about a 15-20 minute walk from the nearest metro station, so be prepared to walk a little ways.
-When you get to the cemetery, go to the visitor's center and decide if you want to walk the grounds, or take a bus tour.
-I personally would recommend the bus tour. It goes quicker than if you walk, the guides are very informative, and they don't let you miss anything important.

Tips on Arlington National Cemetery:
-The cemetery is about a 15-20 minute walk from the nearest metro station, so be prepared to walk a little ways.
-When you get to the cemetery, go to the visitor's center and decide if you want to walk the grounds, or take a bus tour.
-I personally would recommend the bus tour. It goes quicker than if you walk, the guides are very informative, and they don't let you miss anything important.
Lafayette Park - Washington DC
Lafayette Park is just north of the White House. Walking back to our metro station, we walked through Lafayette Park, taking in the beauty of its many water fountains, paths, and viewing benches. We were probably the only one's in the park! If we were dropped in the middle of it, we would have no idea that we were in the Nation's capitol city.
The first night my fiance and I were there, we were too exhausted to sit in the park for long, but we decided to come back another night and take a romantic stroll through the park with ice cream. So after a Saturday night eating at the Capital Grille on PA Ave. right inbetween the Capitol Building and White House, we tried finding an ice cream parlor near the park, but to our dismay, there was no ice cream. We didn't let that damper our spirits, so we walked through the park anyway. As we came to the fountain we had sat in front of the first night, my fiance proposed! There was no other place more romantic than in a gorgeous park in the heart of DC! Of course I said yes, and the rest is history!
The first night my fiance and I were there, we were too exhausted to sit in the park for long, but we decided to come back another night and take a romantic stroll through the park with ice cream. So after a Saturday night eating at the Capital Grille on PA Ave. right inbetween the Capitol Building and White House, we tried finding an ice cream parlor near the park, but to our dismay, there was no ice cream. We didn't let that damper our spirits, so we walked through the park anyway. As we came to the fountain we had sat in front of the first night, my fiance proposed! There was no other place more romantic than in a gorgeous park in the heart of DC! Of course I said yes, and the rest is history!
The White House - Washington DC
The White House has been the home to every U.S. President since John Adams. Built in 1800, the White House stood for 12 years before being set ablaze during the war of 1812. President James Monroe moved in while reconstruction began almost immediately. New porticos were added on the Northern and Southern sides, making the House distict, and eventually a world-wide icon. The White House is where all the action happens on Capitol Hill. This is where every bill is signed, all the Presidential Addresses are held, and not to mention the countless televised interviews. This is one of the most famous homes on the planet!
The White House really is a sight to see. Even though you can't get very close, the opportunity to see the White House in its grand stature is still worth a visit. I really wanted to see the White House at night, so that's what we did on our first night there. About 100 other tourists had the same idea. Just standing there looking at it made me feel important. Somewhere in there was the First Family. What a lucky bunch!
If you plan ahead, you can get a tour of the White House. You have to call your Congressional Representatives at least 2 months in advance to ask permission, and you have to pass a background check. If you make it through, you're in! I wanted so badly to take a tour of the White House, but I hadn't planned ahead. It would have been great to write about that, but when I go to DC a second time, I will arrange a White House Tour!
The White House really is a sight to see. Even though you can't get very close, the opportunity to see the White House in its grand stature is still worth a visit. I really wanted to see the White House at night, so that's what we did on our first night there. About 100 other tourists had the same idea. Just standing there looking at it made me feel important. Somewhere in there was the First Family. What a lucky bunch!
If you plan ahead, you can get a tour of the White House. You have to call your Congressional Representatives at least 2 months in advance to ask permission, and you have to pass a background check. If you make it through, you're in! I wanted so badly to take a tour of the White House, but I hadn't planned ahead. It would have been great to write about that, but when I go to DC a second time, I will arrange a White House Tour!
Lincoln Memorial - Washington DC
To get to the Lincoln Memorial on foot, there is a path between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial that I would recommend. While you are walking towards the Memorial, the gigantic Reflection Pool is on the right, and ballfienlds are on your left. If you are lucky, you may see a baseball game or soccer match in progress. The path is a fantastic way to shade yourself from the summer sun for a while, and you can really catch a glimpse of the DC citizens going about their routine by running, biking, and playing.
The Lincoln Memorial is just plain huge! This monument appears as a Greek Doric temple, and situated inside in the middle of the 36 pillars is a seated statue of President Lincoln. The statue of Lincoln is 170 tons and stands 30 feet high. On both sides of the wall are 2 of Lincoln's most famous speeches, the Gettysburg Address, and Lincoln's second inaugural address. Lincoln sits forward, with his gaze facing straight toward the Reflecting Pool and Washington Monument.

Old Post Office Pavillion - Washington DC

This Clock Tower Tour is free and it has easier access than the Washington Monument. And, from experience, I think it has the best views of DC, better than the monument because you can SEE the monument from the Old Post Office Pavillion! You can also see the White House, the Capitol Building, the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorial, and even the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery! When you get to the top, like other observation decks, there are plaques describing what you see when you are looking in a specific direction.
The DC sights look much different from the top, and I would suggest anyone to take the time to head up! The views will not disappoint!
Tips on the Old Post Office Pavillion:
-The Clock Tower is a tight squeeze and there are a lot of tourists up there at once, so be patient.
-The elevator to the top is an open, indoor elevator, so if you are afraid of heights, turn the other way, because you won't want to miss what's at the top!
Washington Monument - Washington DC
When I turned my back on the Capitol Building, there it was at the end of the National Mall, the Washington Monument! Standing taller than any other structure in DC, the monument was so regal looking, playing the guard to the city! In fact the Monument is the world's tallest stone structure, and tallest obleisk, standing at over 555 feet! Although there are taller monuments, they are neither all stone or true obleisks.
As we walked up to the Monument, the sight kept getting better and better! Looks can be deceiving because it got more massive than I expected as we got closer! It was beautiful! Some of you many not know that the color changed about half way up the monument. This was due to a lack of money, and also the Civil War. When they resumed construction, they couldn't find the original stones, so they had to settle with a slight change. Personally, I think it adds character, and it will give visitors a story to tell.
Tips on the Wasington Monument:
-The Washington Monument isn't ever too crowded with tourists. Being this structure is outdoors, it is a "come as you will" structure, so people are scattered.

If you are looking for a great vantage point of the city, you can go up to the top of the Washington Monument! Tickets are available for purchase only the day you are planning on going to the top, but you want to be sure to buy your tickets early in the morning because when they reach capacity for the day, they stop selling tickets. Though these tickets are free they are usually sold out by late morning. There is another high vantage point of the city in the Old Post Office Pavillion, and these tickets are easier to come by.
-The Washington Monument isn't ever too crowded with tourists. Being this structure is outdoors, it is a "come as you will" structure, so people are scattered.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Capitol Building - Washington D.C.
The first place we went to in DC was the Capitol Building, being out hotel was just 2 blocks away! I was completely blown away at the enormity of it! Regal, humongous, historic, stunning. Those were a few words that came to mind when standing in front of the Capitol. It's very hard to walk away from the Capitol Building and not look back. There are so many memorable angles to look at the building from, and I just couldn't get enough!
The Capitol Building also offers tours , so we were all over signing up for that! It may not seem like much, but when I knew I was taking a tour of a building the President wasn't even allowed into without permission, it was something! The tour was amazing. We got to see the Rotunda, a room with a cool secret talking passageway in it, and some very original documents of the US, such as the original copy of the Declaration of Independence, and the original copy of the Constitution! It was unreal! We even ate lunch in the Capitol and got to sit in House of Representatives!!!
Almost anywhere you are in DC you can see the Capitol Building. The building is the epitome of history, and I guarantee your visit will be nothing but the best!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Stratosphere - Las Vegas
The Stratosphere is the hotel I stayed at on my first trip to Vegas. The Stratosphere is the northern-most hotel/casino on the strip. We stayed there mostly because it was inexpensive, and partly because of the views of the strip from the top (as I continue to write, you will see that I love going to the top of buildings to see the view). We checked in to our hotel and immediately took an elevator to the top! My first view of Las Vegas was unbelieveable! It was dark by the time we got up to the top, and the views were astonishing!! The lights were so bright, and each hotel/casino seemed like they were in competition with the other hotels to go bigger and better!!
When we checked into the hotel, we were told of the discounts we could get on several attractions. Being we stayed at that hotel, we received discounts on the rides at the top, and the show that is held at the Stratosphere.
There are 3 rides at the top of the hotel, the Big Shot, X-Scream, and Insanity. From experience, the Big Shot is a must-ride! The Big Shot shoots you 160 feet above the Vegas Strip when you are already over 1,000 feet off the ground. Reaching its max speed of 45mph, this ride will knock your socks off! X-Scream is the newest ride on the top of the Stratosphere. The ride is like a teeter tot, starting flat, then dropping you 30 degrees OVER the building to get the best vantage point of the strip. I didn't have the guts to try this ride, but if you are a thrill seeker I'm sure you would love it. Insanity also takes you over the strip. You board the ride on the Stratosphere, and an arm moves you over the strip, then starts spinning you around at 40mph. Not only does it spin you around, but it propells you at an angle of 70 degrees so you are looking down on the strip. This ride is approximately a minute and a half long, but I can imagine you feel like it's an hour-long ride! Too much for my stomach to handle!
The permanent show that is held at the Stratosphere is called "American Superstars." This is a celebrity impersonator show, hilighting Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Carrie Underwood, Tim McGraw, and Elvis Presley. This show is sure to please everyone from any age range.
Even though there is no discount for this, I will write about the Top of the World restaurant at the top of the Stratosphere. The Top of the World is a 4-Star rotating restuarant, one to give you the best views of the strip and downtown Vegas. The restaurant makes one complete rotation every hour and a half, so it goes slow enough to make it seem like you aren't really moving, but the sights will quickly tell you different! I will highly recommend eating here! Whether you are wanting a romantic night on the strip, or a nice family dinner, hit up the Top of the World!
Tips on the Stratosphere:
-If you are looking for hotels to go to strictly for casinos, I would recommend bypassing the Stratosphere.
-One negative aspect of the Top of the World is when X-Scream is in motion, it shakes the restaurant.
-If you stay here, check out the pool. It is on the roof of the hotel portion and it overlooks the Stratosphere.
-The Stratosphere is a ways away from the heart of the strip, so be prepared to walk a lot, or pay a few bucks for taxi fare.
When we checked into the hotel, we were told of the discounts we could get on several attractions. Being we stayed at that hotel, we received discounts on the rides at the top, and the show that is held at the Stratosphere.
There are 3 rides at the top of the hotel, the Big Shot, X-Scream, and Insanity. From experience, the Big Shot is a must-ride! The Big Shot shoots you 160 feet above the Vegas Strip when you are already over 1,000 feet off the ground. Reaching its max speed of 45mph, this ride will knock your socks off! X-Scream is the newest ride on the top of the Stratosphere. The ride is like a teeter tot, starting flat, then dropping you 30 degrees OVER the building to get the best vantage point of the strip. I didn't have the guts to try this ride, but if you are a thrill seeker I'm sure you would love it. Insanity also takes you over the strip. You board the ride on the Stratosphere, and an arm moves you over the strip, then starts spinning you around at 40mph. Not only does it spin you around, but it propells you at an angle of 70 degrees so you are looking down on the strip. This ride is approximately a minute and a half long, but I can imagine you feel like it's an hour-long ride! Too much for my stomach to handle!
The permanent show that is held at the Stratosphere is called "American Superstars." This is a celebrity impersonator show, hilighting Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Carrie Underwood, Tim McGraw, and Elvis Presley. This show is sure to please everyone from any age range.
Even though there is no discount for this, I will write about the Top of the World restaurant at the top of the Stratosphere. The Top of the World is a 4-Star rotating restuarant, one to give you the best views of the strip and downtown Vegas. The restaurant makes one complete rotation every hour and a half, so it goes slow enough to make it seem like you aren't really moving, but the sights will quickly tell you different! I will highly recommend eating here! Whether you are wanting a romantic night on the strip, or a nice family dinner, hit up the Top of the World!
Tips on the Stratosphere:
-If you are looking for hotels to go to strictly for casinos, I would recommend bypassing the Stratosphere.
-One negative aspect of the Top of the World is when X-Scream is in motion, it shakes the restaurant.
-If you stay here, check out the pool. It is on the roof of the hotel portion and it overlooks the Stratosphere.
-The Stratosphere is a ways away from the heart of the strip, so be prepared to walk a lot, or pay a few bucks for taxi fare.
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